Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Once you arrive, there you are!


I've arrived.

Today I got run off.

I'm standing there minding my own business, when I hear someone shout, "Hey!"

Which of course, I ignore.

Then again, louder, "Hey!!"

I look up, and a rather large man in a yellow vest is waving his arms. "Hey, you! Completely off the property!"

He is still 50' away, so I feel no immediate threat, but I have just clicked my shutter, and I think the shot is a good one, so I smile, wave, and say , "Sure, no worries," and slooowly wander back to my truck.

Really? Really, Mister? The freight train was barely moving, and although it was on the tracks I was in-between (and betwixt), I was only on 'his' property by three feet or so, and if I stepped back four feet, I'd have been in eminent danger of being run down by a big yellow (Wow, yellow is getting plenty of play today!), a big yellow school bus. Sure, I know they are Supposed to Stop at all railXroad crossings, but the bus was doing 40 and the train was doing 2. I'll take my chances with the train, thank you very much!

I figure he was just selfish. Not only would he not let anyone play with his trains, he didn't even want to let someone take a picture of them.

I felt so 'Paparazzi.' Now I am wondering if I could have actually gotten him to chase me, maybe just a little ways? I'm sure that would have gotten the adrenaline flowing! I could have been like a streaker, only with clothes.......

What a rebel.

So, once you arrive, there you are!

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