Friday, March 5, 2010

Is It Just Me?

Or does anyone else think the idiots who point to this winter's unusually cold/wet/snowy weather and declare that this proves wrong the all the equally confused/uneducated Global Warming advocates?

Cumon kids! It's a process.....

Nothing in Nature is stagnant. We have never been able to control the climate outside our buildings, and I for one hope we never can. We just aren't smart enough to do it right, but we are clever enough to totally screw it up.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Still Alive and Kickin'........

but just barely.....
I had an Epiphany this week. The S.O. loves to watch CSI, SVU, Criminal Minds and such on the tube...wait can we say 'tube' anymore? Nothin' tubular about the ole LCD flat-screen, now is there? Anyway I digress. She really would rather watch a good 'Crazy Bitch Kills Family' show than anything else.

Me, I get the heebie-jeebies....don't wanna watch... no way... no sir.

Finally figured out why. Got an Uncle who suicided, another was beaten to death for a few dollars, my Grandfather did his level best to eviscerate Uncle #2, yes his son, in a drunken brawl, a cousin was shot to death during an attempted rape, she was the intended victim, and yet another cousin is in prison for the bludgeoning death of his young wife a year after the birth of their daughter, and yet another cousin has managed to spend almost her entire adult life in prison for a variety of rather petty drug offenses.

If I want true crime, I can gaze up in to the branches of the family tree. For me, at least, this is not entertainment. It is sadness.