Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy 2012

A new year has begun.

I really do not understand why we start counting all over again in the middle of winter. Did we pass a big 'Go' square in our orbit around the sun? It's not aligned with Winter solstice. There is nothing special on the church calendar that day, so why?

I thought maybe we figured it had been too long since the last party, but for many, the run from late October through December is all party anyway, so that's not it. Then I thought maybe it is supposed to be the last big party before we all tighten our belts and get down to the real work, but it seems like everyone just goes back to sleep to await Spring.

Spring. Now that would be a wonderful time to Start the New Year. The time of new beginnings. Critters are being born, or coming out of their winter lairs. Snow is melting to freshen streams and rivers. Green things are shouldering their way out of the ground to begin worshiping the sun. Flowers are busy getting ready for the bee/honey & hummingbird season. Perfect time to begin a year. Perfect.

Let's vote on it! All in favor?

I, for one, am looking forward to the coming year. I recall the ancient Chinese curse - May You Live in Interesting Times. We will definitely live in Interesting Times for the foreseeable future. But no matter how interesting the times get, there are always people that brighten my day with their joy and love, and that I cherish.

May your year be filled with love and the company of a few good friends.


  1. You definitely have a wonderful gift with words.
    Pictures pop out of every sentence.

    It must be very fulfilling to be able to express yourself so well.

  2. Words as paint and paper as canvas...must make typing finger painting then. Thank you for your generous comment, A. I think you have planted a seed which may sprout a new blog post!
