Monday, March 9, 2009

Which Way Did He Go?

I am reading a book called 'In Code' written by a young Irish lass who has been taken by numbers and ciphers. She has fallen head over heels in love with mathematics and cryptography. She has not only won academic awards but conceived and executed a book which is both educational and very readable. She illustrates yet again that the sciences are not the sole province of males. Humbling too, to read her definition of a common math term and say to myself, "Oh. That's what that means!" Anyway, her name is Sarah Flannery, and the book is worth a read.

I really enjoy the company of women who challenge the common notions of gender based careers and roles. Their perspective is usually quite refreshing when compared with that of the average male who perhaps is following a given course because that is what he is supposed to do. Unfortunately, these women are few and far between. And, I am specifically referring to the technical types. Businesswomen seem to me to fall into an entirely different category. Often it seems more like a power trip or a desire to prove something to somebody, than a genuine love of science, or math, or fill in the blank.

I have had a number of flight instructors over the years as I pursued various ratings. Some were much better than others. One was a woman. She may or may not have been a better pilot than the men, but she was different in one very important way. I never saw her try to bully the aircraft. Her touch on the controls was sure and deft but also gentler, as though she were coaxing the craft to do her bidding. She taught me to be a patient and understanding pilot. That does not mean to fail to take decisive action when required, but to stay far enough ahead of the airplane to avoid having to display my awesome skills any more than necessary. After all, it wouldn't do to run out of airspeed, altitude, lift and talent all at the same time, now, would it?

Come to think of it, I believe I enjoy the company of females more than the company of males, at least in a one-on-one situation. I currently live with three members from the distaff branch of humanity and it works most of the time. Once in a while I feel as though I am treading water in a sea of estrogen and just barely keeping my head above the surface at that, but most often it is cool.

One thing I have noticed, or think I have, is that most women operate at a much greater intensity level than men. For a lot of guys, the career is what they do between beers, or between conquests. Many women, on the other hand, become so involved, so focused on their objectives that they have difficulty leaving the job at work. I have seen example after example where there is no contest when comparing the performance of men and women in the exact same jobs. The gals kick ass.

Where they often fail is with relationships.

They can have trouble balancing the needs of spouses, parents, kids, and work. They feel like they have to do it all, but God only gave us 24 hours in a day. Something always suffers, and the woman will feel guilty about her 'failings' when she notices. The people around her, though will be reluctant to tell her. She gives so much, so much of the time, she will just try in vain to cram in more if you do. Guys, on the other hand, are selfish enough to say 'The Hell with it, I've done enough today!" and go get that beer.

Ah, the Hell with it, I've done enough today!

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