Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Great Equalizer

I attended an AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) function last night. It was our areas' annual 'Bring Your Sponsor to Dinner Banquet'. Good food, good friends.

I resisted joining AA for years. There were two reasons. One, I believed AA was for alcoholics (Yep. I got that one right), and two, I thought that going to all those meetings would seriously interfere with my drinking (Whadaya know, I got that one right, too!) When my life circumstances left me few other options, I wandered in, dazed and confused. This is not a commercial for AA, but I will say that it worked for me, and that I am much happier and healthier than I was before.

What I really wanted to say about it is that I was reminded last night just how much of a 'classless society' AA really is. Alcoholism is a truly equal opportunity addiction. It knows no economic, age, ethnic, or sexual preference boundaries. A function like this one, and AA as an organization, is unique in having a common bond between members that overcomes differences which in most other situations would become insurmountable obstacles.

Think of Dr. Hook's 'Freakin at the Freakers Ball', but without the drugs and booze. Oh, and yes, not only was it tremendous fun, but everyone who attended remembers what happened, and the services of the police were not required.

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